Introduction to Deep Storage

Deep Storage provides observable state for reactive applications in JavaScript.

Key features of Deep Storage:

  • Simple to use observable state management
  • Optimised for use with React
  • No global state
  • Simple way to manage shared state with or without a fully fledged flux pattern



yarn add deep-storage

# for react bindings
yarn install deep-storage-react

The gist of Deep Storage

1. Create a new Deep Storage instance and initialise its state

Initialise DeepStorage with a regular JavaScript object

import { deepStorage } from 'deep-storage';

const storage = deepStorage({
    timer: 0

2. Create a view that responds to changes in state

The deep function wraps a regular React Component, passing in state from storage via props. In this case, it is taking the 'timer' property from storage and attaching it to a 'timer' prop.

import {connect} from 'deep-storage-react';

class TimerView extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <button onClick={this.onReset.bind(this)}>
                Seconds passed: {this.props.timer}
    onReset () {

const DeepTimerView = connect({timer: storage.deep('timer')})(TimerView);

    <DeepTimerView resetTimer={resetTimer}/>
), document.body);

3. Modify the State

All state changes go through storage so that subscribers are notified.

function resetTimer() {

setInterval(function tick() {
    storage.deep('timer').update(prev => prev + 1);
}, 1000);

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